Tag I'm it.
Today, while I checked my favorite blogs I noticed
I was tagged by a fellow photographer.
I was tagged to reveal 8 facts people may not know about me.
Here goes my best effort to deliver. :o)
1. I am an awesome Scrabble Player.
I recently joined a Scrabble Society in Santa Monica (hehe)
2. I grew up 100% Catholic.
Went to mass every Sunday.
Attended Catholic school, said prayer before every meal,
Confession, the whole enchilada.
a couple years ago I realized being raised Catholic is not
my religion or faith anymore but more my heritage.
I am a very spiritual person
but I no longer am a practicing Catholic.
I want my child to be raised with the knowledge of God as I see it.
3. I've been married for 4 years this November.
It has been a very bumpy ride.
With more down days than honeymoon moments
We Separated last year until we both decided to give it another try
putting out best effort to love and nourish the relationship.
We're both genuinely happy now and
hope to spend the rest of our years just as happy. (married or not)
There is no reason good enough for me to spend my life unhappily married.
4. My astrological sign is a Libra.
I don't believe or take astrology seriously.
however, everything said about the Libra
is 100% accurate about my personality.
5. I fidget. I can't keep still to save my life.
When I was 9 my mother thought I had ADHD.
Luckily, I don't and have managed to hold it together
most of the time. I now bite my lower lip when nervous
and if there is anything in my hands while I am having a convo
I will have completely destroyed it with out realizing.
6. I have always had a strong desire to adopt a child.
7. I have a "friend" named Bert he sings and dances
and will keep you mildly entertained.
8. I have a list of 100 goals/desires
I want to accomplish before I'm 35
I currently have 22 of these goals accomplished.
well, there you have it...
and that's just the tip of the iceberg (haha)
ok, here's a list of the people I'm tagging.
1. lizzie
2. misty
3. robert
4. cynthia
5. thelma
6. jessie
7. jose
8. who ever else want to do it :o)
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